Rock n Road Cycling Club Welcomes You
Dedicated to Cycling Skills & Family Enjoyment
Who We Are
Rock n Road Cycling Club was founded in 2000 as a group of like minded people, both young and old, to come together and share the beauty of the park and cycling passion.  Now we continue to advocate the Park and continue to increase cycling skills and the health benefits of being active. Group rides, group training, or race, there are many options to satisfy your cycling interests.
News & Updates
Spring Series starts May 16, 7pm at the North West parking lot - past the Lakeland Ball diamonds.
All ages and skills can ride, prizes based on who show up. Some people will race others will ride, come out and try it and learn the trails!
MTB rides Monday & Thursday
6pm Training ride NW parking lot; then 7pm Group Rides which will meet at the Skill Park!!
Road Rides
Wednesday Evenings 6pm & Saturday Mornings 6am as announced on discord.